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Just A Friend (Biz Markie)


Sekitar dua hari yang lalu gua nonton movie “The Sitter” di salah satu TV swasta: Rcti, tapi gua gak mau ngebahas sinopsis, isi ceritanya, suka atau engga atau apalah itu. Gua tertarik sama ending backround music tuh movie, pas gua denger gila man, ini gua banget, versenye mantap asik tapi dibagian chorus nyanyinya biasa aja, ga merdu- merdu amat. Di bagian chorusnya begini, you, you what i need just a friend.
1 kata, “sempurna” tuh lagu. 😍
Sebenarnya gua belum tau nama penyanyinya, akhirnya gua searching ke mbah google, ternyata itu lagunya Biz Markie “Just a friend”. Menurut kabar dulu dia sempat populer, tapi gara-gara memakai sampling lagu orang lain main comot aja gak pake izin, lalu Markie diprotes penyanyi aslinya. Markie dituduh melanggar hak cipta dan karirnya meredup. Sekarang Markie cuma membawakan lagu di balik layar aja.
#Catatan: entah gimana sekarang. Ane belum tahu status Markie. Apa dia masih idup ato engga 🙏. Sebab di atas postingan 3 tahun lalu, 2019.
Oke, selesai pembahasannya dan berikut lirik Biz Markie “Just A Friend”.

Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
Let me tell ya a story of my situation
I was talkin’ to this girl from the U.S. nation
The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
She had long hair and a short miniskirt
I just got onstage drippin’, pourin’ with sweat
I was walkin’ through the crowd and guess who I met
I whispered in her ear, “Come to the picture booth
So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof”
I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra
I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
I said, “How do you like the show?”
She said, “I was very amused”
I started throwin’ bass, she started throwin’ back mid-range
But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange
Then when I asked, “Do ya have a man, ” shetried to pretend
She said, “No I don’t, I only have a friend”
Come on, I’m not even goin’ for it
This is what I’m goin’ sing

You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
And you say he’s just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
But you say he’s just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
But you say he’s just a friend

So I took blah-blah’s word for it at this time
I thought just havin’ a friend couldn’t be no crime’
Cause I have friends and that’s a fact
Like Agnes, Agatha, Germaine, and Jack
Forget about that, let’s go into the story
About a girl named blah-blah-blah that adored me
So we started talkin’, getttin’ familiar
Spendin’ a lot of time so we can build up
A relationship or some understanding
I was gonna be in the future we was plannin’
Everything sounded so dandy and sweet
I had no idea I was in for a treat
After this was established, everything was cool
The tour was over and she went back to school
I called every day to see how she was doin’
Everytime that I called her it seemed somethin’ was brewin’
I called her room a guy picked up, and then I called again
I said, “Yo, who was that?”
“Oh, he’s just a friend”
Don’t gimme that, don’t ever gimme that
Jus’ bust this

You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
And you say he’s just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
But you say he’s just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he’s just a friend
But you say he’s just a friend

So I came to her college on a surprise visit
To see my girl that was so exquisite
It was a school day, I knew she was there
The first semester of the school year
I went to a gate to ask where was her dorm
This guy made me fill out a visitor’s form
He told me where it was and I as on my way
To see my baby doll, I was happy to say
I arrrived in front of the dormitory
Yo, could you tell me where is door three?
They showed me where it was for the moment
I didn’t know I was in for such an event
So I came to her room and opened the door
Oh, snap! Guess what I saw?
A fella tongue-kissin’ my girl in the mouth,
I was so in shock my heart went down south
So please listen to the message that I say
Don’t ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend